0.4 RNA-seq Differential Analysis

Assess different expression levels of genes between our samples at different timepoints, conditions, etc.


Let's suppose we have a strain of E. coli that we want to optimize to produce ethanol.But we don't know what genes are involved. What do we do?

We perform differential expression analysis on our RNA-seq data. The expressionlevels have already been calculated using cufflinks.

How? Cuffdiff!

Cuffdiff under the hood

A simple methodology for assessing differential expression levels is differences in transcript count between sample conditions, but this can be erroneous due to alternative splicing and biases in sequencing.

A more robust method is to fit a Poisson Distribution given the expectation that the odds of seeing a change in expression level are small.

But Poisson doesn't account for count uncertainty and count dispersion!

  • Count Uncertainty: The fact that reads can be shared across multiple genes because of shared genetic data.

  • Count Dispersion: The fact that the number of reads produced is highly variable between replicates.

From the Cuffdiff Paper:

Our method addresses both of these issues by modeling how variability in measurements of a transcript's fragment count depends on both its expression and its splicing structure.

The way in which this happens is:

The algorithm captures uncertainty in a transcript's fragment count as a beta distribution and the over dispersion in this count with a negative binomial, and mixes the distributions together. The resulting mixture is a beta negative binomial distribution that reflects both sources of variability in an isoform's measured expression level.

Summarized in this picture:

Pretty clever!

Using Cuffdiff

Thankfully using cuffdiff is super easy.

An example implementation is shown below:

First thing for ease of use is to generate a file called diff.sh. This is a simple bash file and all of this could be accomplished just using the command line but this is a little cleaner and allows for easier code repeatability.

  $ vi diff.sh

  cuffdiff -o diff_out ${genes} ${C1_R1},${C1_R2} ${C2_R2},${C2_R2}

Now we simply run: bash diff.shWhere the files noted in C*_R* are the expression files generated fromcufflinks.

In bash scripting calling ${*} denotes a variable defined earlier in the script.

Cuffdiff Output

It will generate a CSV-like file in the diff_out directory called gene_exp.diff. It looks like:

  test_id      gene_id gene    locus   sample_1        sample_2        status  value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change)       test_stat       p_value q_value significant
  FBgn0002521  FBgn0002521     pho     4:1193093-1202271       q1      q2      OK      1885.82 1597.12 -0.239721       -1.27565        0.07125 0.389135        no
  FBgn0004607  FBgn0004607     zfh2    4:524476-560418 q1      q2      NOTEST  6.72414 6.02587 -0.158181       0       1       1       no
  FBgn0004624  FBgn0004624     CaMKII  4:1056642-1074329       q1      q2      OK      6854.63 6821.34 -0.00702337     -0.0397619      0.9532  0.97767 no
  FBgn0004859  FBgn0004859     ci      4:68333-77667   q1      q2      NOTEST  33.6854 68.8131 1.03056 0       1       1       no
  FBgn0005558  FBgn0005558     ey      4:718314-741787 q1      q2      OK      339.474 313.086 -0.116739       -0.511244       0.46085 0.925195        no
  FBgn0005561  FBgn0005561     sv      4:1109443-1133943       q1      q2      OK      215.591 182.876 -0.237431       -0.810935       0.2223  0.819162        no
  FBgn0005666  FBgn0005666     bt      4:745029-796707 q1      q2      OK      337.666 352.068 0.0602593       0.312879        0.65755 0.925195        no
  FBgn0010217  FBgn0010217     ATPsyn-beta     4:1052439-1055175       q1      q2      OK      45751.2 45196.6 -0.0175982      -0.10918        0.8776  0.929994        no
  FBgn0011642  FBgn0011642     Zyx102EF        4:1077990-1081542       q1      q2      OK      4612.4  4319.09 -0.0947887      -0.486887       0.48765 0.925195        no

Accessing the data

Conveniently CSV files can be accessed with R, Python, or even Excel

Here's an example code snippet of accessing only statistically significant rows in Bash:

  $ grep yes gene_exp.diff

Where this only selects rows where the last columns is yes. However if the substring yes is in a locus, gene_id, or any other field then this will return false positives.

By default this threshold is a value of 0.05 for the q-value field.What is a q-value?

In Python:

  import pandas as pd
  # Tab delimited with a header at the zeroth row.
  df = pd.read_csv('gene_exp.diff', delimiter='\t', header=0)
  just_significant = df.loc[df.significant == 'yes']

Further analysis would be to get the count of significant differences by gene locus. Continuing:

  counts_by_locus = just_significant.groupby(['locus']).count()

Example Figure

This is an example out put of how you could plot the results. Here the x-axis is the Log<sub>2</sub>(fold-change) and the y-axis is the-log<sub>10</sub>(q-value). Both of these values are accessible from the the output of cuffdiff above.

Global analysis of differential gene expression related to long-term sperm storage in oviduct of Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle Pelodiscus sinensis Liu, Tengfei, et al.


What's a q-value?

When doing lots of statistical comparisons, the likelihood of getting a statistically significant result (p-value) increases as more comparisons are performed. This results in an increased False Discovery Rate (FDR).

Bonferroni Correction

To combat this issue of an increased FDR from multiple comparisons, we can adjust our threshold for statistical significance with the Bonferroni Correction.

Simply, if we have m comparisons being performed and some initial p-value, a,then our new threshold, p is: p = a / m

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